On this page you’ll find the latest news about CataloniaBio & HealthTech and the member companies and knowledge stakeholders in the field of health and life sciences.
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29 September 2023
Palex Medical, a national leader in precision oncology, and Inbiomotion, a spin-off of IRB Barcelona and ICREA, have signed an agreement to start marketing MAF-TEST®, initially in Spain and Portugal.
21 September 2023
Catalonia and Castilla-La Mancha are the autonomous communities that benefited most from the total number of grants proposed, including two CataloniaBio & HealthTech companies: Leanbio, Medichem and Reig Jofre.
21 September 2023
L’Hospital Vall d’Hebron i l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona figuren entre els hospitals del món més especialitzats, segons el ‘World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2024’ i entre els més smart, segons el ‘World's Best Smart Hospitals 2024’, tots dos atorgats per Newsweek i Statista.
20 September 2023
L’empresa health-tech InBrain Neuroelectronics, membre de CataloniaBio& HealthTech i dedicada al desenvolupament de la primera plataforma neuralintel·ligent basada en grafè del món, ha anunciat que el seu sistemaintel·ligent de modulació de circuits neuronals ha obtingut la Designació deDispositiu Innovador (Breakthrough Device Designation, BDD) de la U.S. Food & DrugAdministration (FDA) com a teràpia complementària per tractar la malaltia deParkinson.
20 September 2023
HOFFMANN EITLE Madrid & Barcelona is celebrating 10 years of advising companies in the biotechnology and health ecosystem in the creation, protection and defence of their Intellectual Property (IP) rights.
20 September 2023
CataloniaBio & HealthTech serà present alBIOSPAIN, el major esdeveniment biotecnològic organitzat per una associaciónacional de bioindústria a Europa i un dels majors del món, tant pel nombre dereunions one-to-one com per la xifra d’empreses participants. El 34%dels delegats procedeixen de fora d’Espanya.
18 September 2023
Asabys, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, today announced the entry of the Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF) into its new venture capital fund, Sabadell Asabys Health Innovation Investments II (Sabadell Asabys II), with a stake of €10 million.
18 September 2023
Invivo Capital, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, is one of the investors in the €65 million Series A financing announced by Corteria Pharmaceuticals, oversubscribed and co-leadership by US investment firm OrbiMed.
14 September 2023
IOMED, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech and a leader in Artificial Intelligence for health data activation, has recently announced the closing of a €10 million Series A investment round.
14 September 2023
Asabys Partners, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has led a Series A financing round of 14 million euros and Gradient Denervation Technologies has announced the closing of this round. The aim of this round is to support the clinical development and evaluation of the ultrasound-based ablation catheter through the new Sabadell Asabys II fund.
14 September 2023
Integra Therapeutics, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, will present positive fata from ex vivo and in vivo preclinical studies that demonstrates the potential of its FiCAT gene-writing platform for developing advanced therapies in the field of paediatric hepatology at the Advanced therapies Europe congress.
12 September 2023
Anaxomics, member of CataloniaBio & HealtTech, announced the appointment of Peter M. Windisch as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective September 1st, 2023.
20 July 2023
More than thirty CEOs of CataloniaBio & HealthTech met at the HUB cambraDigital (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce) on 22 June for the last CEO Council before the summer break. The special guest at this edition was Núria Mas, currently a professor of economics at the IESE Business School.
18 July 2023
Asabys Partners, Barcelona-based VC firm focused on healthcare innovation investing from its fund Sabadell Asabys II, joins AdBio Partners, French life sciences venture capital firm and initial investor, both CataloniaBio & HealthTech members.
13 July 2023
Trifermed, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, is proud to announces the upcoming 7th edition of the trifermed awards for social impact in healthcare. Aim to recognize individuals and organizations that are dedicated to improving the quality of health and making a positive impact on society. By honoring those who wake up every morning driven by passion and a desire to develop a better world, these awards highlight the importance of social responsibility and ethical practices in healthcare.
12 July 2023
The Biostatistics Unit has recently joined the technologies and services offered by the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), partners of CataloniaBio & HealthTech.
12 July 2023
Inteplast, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, was founded in 1972 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a leading company in the design, development and manufacture of high-performance thermoplastic solutions, with its sights set on the future in Industry 4.0, innovation, technology, quality and sustainability.
4 July 2023
The company Affirma Biotech has opened a round of funding on the Capital Cell platform, both members of CataloniaBio & HealthTech. The biotech company hopes to raise 600,000 euros to confirm the efficacy of its new compounds as immune system activators for the treatment of severe viral and bacterial infections of the broad spectrum.
3 July 2023
Les empreses REIG JOFRE (BME:RFJ), companyia farmacèutica cotitzada al mercat continu de la borsa espanyola i membre de CataloniaBio &HealthTech, i la biotecnològica CZ VACCINES, (del grup Zendal) han signat un acord amb l’Agència Executiva Europea en els àmbits de Salut i Digital (HaDEA, per les seves sigles enanglès) per reservar capacitat de producció de vacunes.
3 July 2023
Exheus, the company located at the TecnoCampus and a member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, specialised in the analysis of gene expression using artificial intelligence (AI), has announced the launch of Beyond You. This new brand is accompanied by a digital platform that will provide healthcare professionals with personalised information to optimise the diagnosis and treatment of their patients.