Unconference 2024. Embracing medical AI

Grifols HQ (Sant Cugat del Vallès)

CATALONIA.HEALTH is organising the Unconference, the annual event for debate and dialogue on the future of health solutions, which aims to promote awareness, perspective and vision of the sector's needs and opportunities, as well as the best way to tackle them. This year's event will be held on 23 October at the Grifols headquarters in Sant Cugat del Vallès and will be focused on artificial intelligence in health.

Embracing Medical AI

In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and healthcare has been praised for the great promise it offers but has also been at the centre of heated controversy. Much has been said and discussed how AI can benefit future healthcare, increasing the efficiency of clinicians, improving medical diagnosis and treatment, and optimising the allocation of human and technical resources. The fact is that AI is now a reality in healthcare, and we are learning by doing.

For this reason, it is crucial not to abandon the insights and discussions relating to clarifying the main clinical, social and ethical risks that AI poses to healthcare. More specifically, potential errors and patient harm; risk of bias and increased health inequalities; lack of transparency and trust; and vulnerability to hacking and data privacy breaches.

The goal is to assess the areas in which AI can continue to contribute to the medical and healthcare fields, as well as to identify the most significant risks and/or barriers that it may face. Both to ensure the safety and respect of patients receiving AI-mediated healthcare and to assist developers and clinicians in its implementation.

The Unconference is possible thanks to the institutional support of EIT Health, Grifols ad ACCIÓ.


. Welcome, Institutional Opening and Round Table (9h to 10.30h)

. Barriers and enablers for AI adoption in the European landscapeModerated by: Javier Selva (CEO CATALONIA.HEALTH) & Izabel Alfany (Managing Director EIT Health Spain)

Yamelis FigueredoGlobal Chief Digital & Information Officer, Grifols

Josh Callan, Head of Spain, Commercial Solutions & Strategy, Veeva Systems

Enrique Lizaso, CEO, Multiverse Computing; Member of the Governing Board at European QuIC

Julien Venne, Director of New Opportunities & Business Development, EIT Health

Alexandra PrieuxCEO, Alcediag

. Parallel sessions: challenges to address (11h to 12.30h)

. Challenge I. What are the technological challenges in AI applied to healthcare?

Karim Lekadir,  ICREA Research Professor. Director BCN-AIM (UB)

Chelo FernandezHead of the Observatory, Mobile World Capital

Moderated and reported by Eugenio Mallol Sanchís (Atlas Tecnológico)

Challenge II. What are the regulatory barriers to the implementation of AI in healthcare?

Elisa Gastaldi, Head of Office, Government Affairs & EU Policy, Siemens Healthineers

Roger  García, Senior Sales Executive PS, Amazon Web Services

Moderated and reported by Alberto Iglesias (Disruptores, El Español)

Challenge III. How to improve AI adoption within the healthcare providers?

Carlos Nueno, President International Teladoc Health

Mar Gomis, Impuls Digital Responsible & Digital Health Validation Center Director Hospital Sant Pau

Moderated and reported by Pilar Pérez (El Mundo)

. Parallel sessions conclusions (12.30 to 13.15h)

. Keynote: Ethics within the AI in the health sector (13.15 to 14h)

. Networking cocktail

For: C-level management from startups, SMEs and corporations of all disciplines (pharma, medtech, biotech, digital health and services ), as well as knowledge generators (hospitals, R+D centers and universities)

Language: English


  • General: 180€ (VAT not included)
  • CATALONIA.HEALTH members: 100€ (VAT not included)

IMPORTANT! When registering you must select the parallel session in which you will participate.

About the UnConference 2023:

Date and time

Add to calendar 2024-10-2308:30 2024-10-2315:00 Europe/Madrid Unconference 2024. Embracing medical AI Grifols HQ (Sant Cugat del Vallès)


Grifols HQ (Sant Cugat del Vallès)


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