Over 200 companies innovating in biomedicine and health in Catalonia

CataloniaBio & HealthTech is the organisation that represents companies in the biomedicine and health sector in Catalonia.

It strives to:

  • Defend and promote the interests of the business fabric in the sector.
  • Boost the competitiveness and size of companies so they can generate new products and services to make people healthier.
  • Create value in the sector by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and the network.
  • Position Catalonia as one of the top health hubs in the world.

Created in 2006 through the initiative of several entrepreneurs in the sector, CataloniaBio & HealthTech currently has over 200 member companies and knowledge stakeholders that are leaders in research, development (R&D) and innovation. 

One of the association’s strengths is that it reflects the transversality of the sector and helps create synergies for the future among startups and companies that develop products (biopharmaceutical, medical technology and digital health), service firms (scientific and non-scientific), investors, research centres and hospitals.

If you’re interested in becoming a member, check out all the benefits of joining CataloniaBio & HealthTech in the Members section.

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