Third edition of BStartup Health open now with €300,000 to invest


Banco Sabadell is launching the third edition of BStartup Health call for proposals to support three early stage start-ups in the healthcare sector with an investment of €100,000 and strategic mentoring. The deadline for applications is 20 May 2020.

The projects will be evaluated based on their potential for growth and scalable, innovative business models.

The scientific committee is made up of Clara Campàs, founding partner at Asabys; Carlos Gallardo, CEO of CG Health and Almirall board member; Damià Tormo, partner of Columbus Venture Partners and CEO of Artax Biofarma; and Montserrat Vendrell, partner at Alta Life Science. Genesis Biomed will analyse the proposals received.

The start-ups selected in previous calls are Able Human Motion, Admit Therapeutics, Creatsens, Oxolife, Miwendo and Doppli.

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