Nanomol Technologies is accredited by the AEMPS in particle analysis and nanocharacterization

Roser Montserrat,

Nanomol Technologiesmember of CataloniaBio & Healthtechobtains the authorization of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) as a pharmaceutical laboratory for the control of physicochemical quality of medicines for human, veterinary use and in research.  

It is the only laboratory in Spain and among the few in the world that offers specialization in particle characterization under GMP certificate (Good Manufacturing Practices). By obtaining the certificate, the company consolidates its offer of services of high added value for the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sector.  

The analytical development and quality control laboratory of Nanomol Technologies continues to grow and foresees the incorporation of new specialized equipment in particle size measurement under GMP. It also aims to perform GMPs of existing equipment, and with capacity for characterization of new nanomedicines.  

Nanomol Technologies is accomplishing high impact milestones in the R&D&I DELOS Formulation Unit with the development and validation of a pilot plant, designed for GMP performance, and with the possibility of continuous production of highly innovative nanomedicines. 

Photo: Nanomol's team.

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