Mediktor launches tests to assess symptoms of Covid-19


Mediktor, a start-up with offices in Barcelona and New York and CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has launched a test to assess the symptoms of Covid-19 using artificial intelligence.

The test will be available online in several languages in order to provide support for healthcare systems around the world.

Users have to answer a series of questions from a doctor and the system will tell them how probable it is they have the Covid-19 virus. It also offers a list of conditions with similar symptoms to Covid-19 and a recommendation on what to do next. It is a pre-diagnosis and does not substitute diagnosis by a medical professional.

Mediktor Chief Medical Officer Oscar García-Esquirol explains that “our success or failure in this healthcare crisis will depend on our ability to manage it and new technology will play an important role.”

Before Covid-19, the Mediktor medical assistant has assessed symptoms in over 4 million cases in 180 countries.

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