IBEC will lead the state’s largest health biotechnology consortium


The Institute of  Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) hosted the presentation of the Strategic Research Program in biotechnology applied to health, developed through the so-called Complementary Plans of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, and which will be executed until the end of 2024. It has a budget of 32 million euros and 5 autonomous communities will work together, co-financing the program.

The plan is jointly governed by the autonomous communities to address some of the biggest health challenges such as cancer, diseases associated with the aging process, infectious and rare diseases. IBEC  has been chosen to coordinate the funds between the Basque Country, Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, and Catalonia, due to its  trajectory and experience, and will lead the largest interregional collaboration in personalized medicine.

The event was attended by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, the Minister of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Gemma Geis, the director of IBEC and coordinator of the complementary plan for health, Josep Samitier, and the representatives of the other Autonomous Communities involved.

"Only by taking an integrated approach to tools for diagnosis, prognosis and advanced therapies will we be able to tackle the major challenges we face in healthcare, such as cancer, degenerative diseases and infectious diseases," said Josep Samitier, IBEC director and Scientific Coordinator of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Healthcare.

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