Leitat participates in project to support fast deployment of solutions to fight Covid-19


Leitat, a technology centre member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, is taking part in the European INNO4COV-19 project, which has a budget of €6.1 million to support commercialisation of new products to fight Covid-19 over the next two years.

The consortium consists of 11 companies and entities and is led by the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL).

In total, 30 companies (working in medical technology, sensors, protection of healthcare workers, artificial intelligence and data mining) will be selected in three calls: through 30 November 2020, through 31 March 2021 and through 31 May 31 2021.

Each company will receive up to €100,000 and benefit from the INNO4COV-19 consortium’s technical, regulatory, and business expertise.

Video of the Info Session

Contact: info@inno4cov19.eu


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