CataloniaBio & HealthTech Gala consolidates the organisation as a meeting point for the sector


La Nit de CataloniaBio & HealthTech is the annual event of reference for the biomedicine and health sector in Catalonia, an institutional dinner-networking event that offers a unique opportunity to interact and talk with the main representatives of the sector.

In his institutional intervention, Joan Puig, president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has valued very positively the consolidation of the association as a meeting point and said he was "pleased to see more people than ever, new faces, young people, more women and greater representation of public institutions. We should be proud to say without fear of contradiction that CataloniaBio & HealthTech leads the sector in our country, and an event of this importance proves it". He highlighted the duality of CataloniaBio & Healthtech as a business association and as a cluster "that differentiates us from others by the dynamising nature of the ecosystem through entrepreneurship, transversality, representativeness and impact on the territory, more than by the promotion of innovation projects, because this is an activity that we carry out every day and that we have fully integrated into our DNA".

He also conveyed a message of optimism in view of the positive data provided by our sector, which is capable of attracting industrial research projects, creating jobs, innovating and attracting capital for our biotech companies with record figures. In this sense, Puig has valued that "the health sector is, despite the current context, in a situation of great dynamism with many projects of high added value".

Finally, as a representative of the sector, the President reviewed some of the aspects that are considered important for the economy and for the sector in particular, from necessary infrastructures to pending public policies.

During the Night, attendees will enjoy an inspirational lecture by Cosimo Chiesa, Professor of Business Management at IESE Business School.

The gala is also the moment to unveil and award the Bioèxit 2023, this time to two companies, SpliceBio and Avinent Implant System for their achievements during 2022 in the field of health and life sciences in Catalonia. Mariona Serra, vice-president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, announced the winners, just after reviewing the successes of the companies during 2022, highlighting that there are many that would also have deserved the recognition.

The awards were presented by Laia Arnal, Director General of Knowledge Society, Transfer and Territory, on behalf of the Ministry of Research and Universities; and Ramon Maspons, Director of Strategy and Innovation. In his closing remarks, Arnal highlighted the alignment between the objectives of the Catalan Ministry she represents and those of CataloniaBio & HealthTech in "actively promoting policies for valorisation, for transfer, and also to promote public-private collaborations. Ultimately, we are working to build an internationally competitive sector here in Catalonia". Maspons, in his turn, referred to the lines of action of the Catalan Ministry of Health, highlighting the industrial sector: "When we talk about health policies, we talk about industrial policies". He said that "our challenge as an administration is to make these technologies, which you will develop, available to everyone".

The CataloniaBio & HealthTech Night was supported by BCN Peptides (Gold Sponsor) and Genesis Biomed (Silver Sponsor), and with the collaboration of ACCIÓ.

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