Joan Puig, CEO of Kymos, new president of CataloniaBio & HealthTech


This morning, CataloniaBio  & HealthTech formally renewed its Board of Directors at the Generally Assembly, which was held today in the MGS auditorium in Barcelona. This replacement comes after the previous Board of Directors, led by Jaume Amat (Specipig), completed its 4 year term as per the association’s charter.

Once the deadline for the presentation and validation had expired in January, the candidacy led by Joan Puig, CEO of Kymos, and Mariona Serra, Director of GoodGut, a  HIPRA group company, was confirmed as it was the only candidacy that was presented to lead the organisation through the next four years. Both Puig and Serra shall share the presidency of the entity, with the role changing to the other in two years, half way through the term of office.

The candidacy led by Joan Puig and Mariona Serra also includes Marta Palicio, director of innovation at Biokit Research & Development S.L.U – Werfen OEM (second vice-president) and Isabel Amat, head of Innovation and Pipeline at Reig Jofre (third vice-president). The other board members will be Carmen Lagunas (Ferrer), Laura Soucek (Peptomyc), Nuria Pastor (HumanITcare), Ignasi Costas (RCD), Adriana Carré (Inteplast) and Joan Comella (VHIR).

“We face the next four years with the will to continue  the growth of the association, working for the nearly 200 members that make it up. We want to contribute to the consolidation  of the business network of this sector in Catalonia, providing the means to be  more competitive and position ourselves among the most important healthcare  hubs in the world,” explained Joan  Puig.

“We have the duty to represent the entire sector, and that is something we have attempted to achieve through the diversity of businesses that make up the new Board. We  will continue to carry out the current Strategic Plan, focussing on those aspects that we believe are most crucial. “It is a demanding challenge that we take up with great excitement,” he added.

In turn, Jaume Amat evaluated the term served: “4 years ago, we accepted the challenge to make the fusion between CataloniaBio and the HealthTech Cluster a reality. We believe that we have achieved that and that we have gained visibility and leadership. We have contributed to the sector having experienced sustained, balanced and solid growth that allows us to be optimistic regarding the new stage that begins today. We leave to them a strong association with nearly 200 members  and an ambitious strategic plan that sets out the path of CataloniaBio & HealthTech in the future.”

The next appointment with CataloniaBio & HealthTech is on 22 March, and represent the biggest gathering of the sector, the Nit de CataloniaBio & HealthTech. After two years without being able to celebrate the event in person due to the measures against the pandemic, the networking evening shall be held in the Palau de la Música, where this year’s Bioexit award will be presented.


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