GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost, a new investment vehicle that will invest in early stage projects from healthcare research


The consultancy firm GENESIS Biomed, CataloniaBio & HealthTech  member, together with FI Group, have created GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost, a new investment vehicle initially endowed with €1M that will invest in early-stage projects in the field of health research.

In the words of Josep Lluís Falcó, CEO of GENESIS Biomed, “with the creation of this new vehicle we intend to invest in very early projects, even in the pre-constitutive phase, which will be spinoffs in the near future, and which are now when they most need an economic contribution in order to generate value and be attractive in the future for large investors in the sector.“

GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost will invest tickets from 25k to 100k per project, in exchange for equity in the companies already created, or in exchange for an equity commitment in the projects that will become spin-offs at a later stage. This funding will be aimed at generating maximum value in the projects invested, from the generation of key proofs of concept to patent protection of the results, including the preparation of the business plan and the application for regional, national, and international public funding. The investment focus will be very cross-cutting, including pharma, Medtech, diagnostics and digital health projects.

This new vehicle will base its scouting on all projects coming from the main Health  Research Institutes in Spain, as well as from the nodes of the ITEMAS network.

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