The Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the Catalan Ministry of Health has opened up the phase for consultation on the Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation in Health (PERIS) for 2021-2027 so companies and organisations in the sector can make suggestions and proposals to improve the document.
To participate, sign up for the information session on 16 December at 9 am, where they will explain the collaboration dynamics.
The Government of Catalonia expects to approve PERIS 2021-2027 in the first half of next year, which is in line with the strategy for the European programme Horizon Europe 2021-2027.
PERIS lays out the political priorities in healthcare research and innovation for Catalonia and makes it possible to generate new knowledge, over the four years of the plan, with direct repercussions on improving people's health.
CataloniaBio & HealthTech, as the organisation that represents the business world in the healthcare and life sciences in Catalonia, has worked closely in recent months with the Directorate General for Research and Innovation to draft PERIS 2021-2027, and on other initiatives the Government has launched, such as the Catalonia 2022 strategy, proposals for the European recovery funds, solutions to curb the spread of Covid-19 and future pandemics, and more.
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