CMCiB, a strategic project of IGTP, celebrates its fifth anniversary


The Center for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of Catalonia (CMCiB), a strategic project of Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP)member of CATALONIA.HEALTH, celebrates five years since its launch with the event "CMCiB Symposium: 5 years Enabling Pioneering Biomedical Research".  

The symposium was held at the Science Museum at CosmoCaixa Barcelona and brought together 200 people from the biomedicine and medical industry. In addition, it was a unique opportunity to show scientific-technical advances in a wide variety of medical specialtiesOutstanding researchers and health professionals explained successful cases developed at the center and talked about the future of fields such as personalized medicine, bioimaging and robotic surgery.  
The center has established itself as a benchmark for transferring research advances to hospitals through preclinical research and surgical training in new technologies at a national and international level.  
The event was closed by Sara Capdevila, technical director of the CMCiB, highlighting the model of the center: “3Rs are fundamental to the responsible development of science. Our commitment not only improves the quality of what we do, but also intensifies our ability to translate research results into tangible improvements in clinical practice. Bioimaging is a clear example of this application. The different technologies applied across the centre minimize the use of animals while maximizing the impact of our studies."  
Dr. Miriam Gironès, CMCiB business development director, added: “Today’s symposium underlines the strong potential for collaboration and innovation of the CMCiB. We are excited to continue to foster relationships that allow research to progress and translate it into practical applications beneficial to the scientific and medical community, and finally to the whole of society." 

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