Ecopol Tech creates nanocapsules to make cancer drugs less toxic


Ecopol Tech, a CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has developed nanocapsules to administer drugs to fight lung and breast cancer that help reduce the systemic toxicity of these treatments. 

The new system has been registered under the trademark Ecostratar™ and the University of Barcelona Cancer Cell Biology research group, which is associated with the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), has begun validation in mice. It is expected to move into the clinical phase in 2023.

Ecopol Tech received a grant of nearly €84,000 through the Business Enterprise R&D Nuclis programme from ACCIÓ (Government of Catalonia) for this project.

Founded in 2005 in l'Arboç (Tarragona), Ecopol Tech specialises in developing nanostructured polymers for the drug and cosmetics industries. 

More information

Photo: Josep Rocas, CEO of Ecopol Tech - © Ecopol Tech

Want to know more about Ecopol Tech? We recommend this video of CataloniaBio & HealthTech interviewing them:


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