The course begins at CATALONIA.HEALTH with the fourth CEO Council of the year

Roser Montserrat,

About twenty professionals from companies and member entities of CATALONIA.HEALTH met this past September 18th, at the Hub Cambra Digital in Barcelona, for the first appointment on the agenda of activities after the summer. It was the fourth edition of this year of the CEO Council sessions with Josep Maria Argimon as a special guest.  

Due to his current position as director of scientific infrastructures at the BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center (BBRC), but also for his entire professional career in several public institutions, the conversation focused on the context and the current situation in relation to the promotion and opportunities of public-private collaboration in the health sector in Catalonia.  

Argimon reflected on the quality of research in Catalonia, especially regarding the innovation and its transfer. He also reviewed the definition of priorities of the health system, universities and public centers, to have a picture of the scenario; as well as reflecting on the positive and negative connotations behind the collaboration between public institutions and private companies. On this basis, he shared with the attendees some reflections, ideas and learnings about the health of the system, innovative purchasing models, the definition of professional careers, political culture, etc. As always, in the CEO Council sessions, many reflections and comments were allowed within the framework of the trust of the space.  

The CEO Councils are small committees and private gatherings, in which CEOs, members of the boards of directors of startups and companies of CATALONIA.HEALTH can participate, where you can talk directly to the guest for each occasion, a high-level expert, whether they are business leaders or policy makers, with whom you can share strategic experiences and perspectives for colleagues and for the sector.  

Argimon started the academic year, which closed in July with another session with Vanessa Servera i Planas as a guest, the CEO of the Catalan Institute of Finance (ICF), an entity to which she has been linked for more than 20 years. The next, and last, session will be on November 14 with Elisabeth Stampa as a guest. 


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