CataloniaBio & HealthTech debuts with the participation in 3 projects in the call AEI 2023


CataloniaBio & HealthTech, as an AEI (Innovative Business Group, in Spanish) recognised by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (Mincotur) has participated for the first time in the calls for aid that they promote. These industrial research calls are aimed at incorporating knowledge and technologies that promote the digital transformation of companies. This is the first time it has been eligible since it was accepted onto the register in the summer of 2022.

In the 2023 call, CataloniaBio & HealthTech is participating in 3 projects: 1 coordinated by Secpho and 2 coordinated by the Smartech Cluster. In each of these, in which it participates as a partner, there is at least one member of the association.

Coordinated by Secpho, the Q leaf in vitro project aims to develop a comprehensive system for the manufacture of more efficient and durable bioprotective heart valves. Sensofar Medical partners are also involved in this project.

The other two projects in which it is participating are coordinated by the Smartech Cluster. This is SaniPass, in which the partner AT-Biotech also participates, which aims to research, develop and test a solution based on Blockchain technology for the immutability of traceability data generated during the logistical custody and control of processes carried out during the management of blood components, tissues, medicines and other elements destined for human use. The other project, called Dimensión Remota (Remote Dimension), with the participation of the Parc Taulí Hospital and the I3PT, proposes an ecosystem of digital services and solutions to facilitate technical inspections of buildings and infrastructures, facilitate the automation of incidents, reviews, approvals and collaborative workflows in these inspections, using unmanned vehicles to reproduce the route and the main actions carried out by the operating personnel.

CataloniaBio & HealthTech's participation in this first AEI call, the 2023 call, lays the foundations to be a driving force for innovation and business collaboration in Catalonia, from the health sector.

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