CataloniaBio & HealthTech joins call for long-term science and innovation strategy in Spain


CataloniaBio & HealthTech has joined the call Por una Estrategia a Largo Plazo por la Ciencia y la Innovación en España (For a Long-Term Science and Innovation Strategy in Spain) promoted by SOMMa, the Spanish Association for Cancer Research (Aseica) and the Spanish Bioindustry Association (Asebio). In total, more than 40 organisations in the life sciences and innovation arena have signed the document announced today.

Before the preliminary general budgetary plan for Spain is passed and with the opportunities arising from the Reconstruction Plan, the Green Deal and the missions of the new Horizon Europe framework programme, the main science associations and innovative businesses believe it is time to call for a State Pact with long-term strategies to promote frontier science and business innovation. The goal is to surpass 2.5% investment in R&D by 2027.

The document proposes administrative and legal changes, as well as strategic actions to make science and innovation the driving force for recovery. More specifically, it proposes three lines of measures: strengthening basic and translational frontier science, boosting innovation and encouraging the transition towards a sustainable economy with high value added, and increasing synergies between the academic and business sectors.

Read the full document (in Spanish)


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