CataloniaBio & HealthTech organises a meeting of experts to study the latest developments of the new Startup Law


The new State Law for promoting the ecosystem of startups (known as the Startup Law) was published in the Official State Gazette at the end of December 2022. The Law covers tax benefits for these companies, as well as defining the term “startup” and the tax advantages, among others. To put all these new developments and in particular, to observe their effects on the life sciences and health sector, CataloniaBio & HealthTech held an entrepreneurship forum on this subject. It was on 14 February in the Oriol Bohigas Room of the Barcelona Athenaeum, coinciding with the Association’s Ordinary General Assembly. The event was open to the public and was included in the Barcelona Health Innovation Week.

The forum was directed by Ignasi Costas, a member of the Board of Directors of CataloniaBio & HealthTech and Co-managing Partner of DWF-RCD. First of all, Costas gave his opinion as an expert in an exhaustive review of the new elements of the Law, in all cases from the specific standpoint of startups in the health sciences sector. After reviewing the most important aspects of the new Law, and answering questions posed by those attending, a round table discussion was held. To present the different points of view, CataloniaBio & HealthTech invited Oriol Pinya (President of Spaincap and CEO of Abac Capital), who gave his opinion from the investment standpoint, as well as Eva García (CEO and Co-founder of WIVI Vision), who provided her opinion from the perspective of a startup and Jordi Aguasca (Director of Transformació Tecnològica i Disrupció, ACCIÓ), who gave his opinion from the standpoint of public policy makers.

The round table, moderated by Ignasi Costas himself, served to present real-life cases and applications of the different aspects regulating the new Law. The attendees participated in the session and their opinion of the subject matter (which was quite difficult for persons not versed in it) and the approach were extremely positive. The entrepreneurship forum ended with a networking session for all those attending.

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