Spherium presents Mucomel® phase II results at ASCO Chicago


Spherium Biomed announced the completion of its Phase I/IIa clinical trial of Mucomel® for the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients undergoing chemo-radiotherapy.

The trial was designed to include 84 patients with advanced disease receiving high dose radiotherapy and concomitant treatment with cisplatin or cetuximab enrolled from 11 hospitals in Spain.

The results will be presented by the leading investigator, Dr Alicia Lozano, at the Head and Neck cancer oral abstract session of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago next June.

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Photo: Luis Ruiz-Avila, Maribel Bergés and Ramon Bosser, founders of the company - © Spherium Biomed.


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