Sant Pau inaugurates new building for Research Institute


Kymos Pharma Services, una Contract Laboratory Organization que ofereix serveis d'R+D i control de qualitat per a la indústria biofarmacèutica associada a CataloniaBio & HealthTech, ha incorporat la Dra. Montserrat Barceló al consell d'administració com a consellera externa independent. La companyia culmina així un procés gradual de professionalització dels seus òrgans de direcció per abordar nous reptes d'expansió internacional.

Barceló és llicenciada en Medicina per la Universitat de Barcelona i màster de Programa Executiu de Dones en l'Alta Direcció d'ESADE. Actualment és directora d'operacions de TFS i sòcia fundadora de l'Associació Espanyola de Executives i Conselleres (EJE & CON).

Kymos té una plantila de més de 100 persones i una facturació de 10 milions d'euros, amb clients a més de 25 països. La seu es troba al Parc Tecnològic del Vallès.

The Research Institute of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (IR Sant Pau) is beginning a new era with the inauguration of its new research building. The centre will house the institute's more than 50 groups of excellence in 9,681 square metres of space. Previously, this activity was spread out in various hospital facilities.

Dr Jaime Kulisevsky, scientific director of IR Sant Pau, said yesterday at the inauguration: "It is a question of delving deeper into collaborative research culture, fusion and dialogue among specialisations in order to help patients."

The inaugural event featured President of the Government of Catalonia Joaquim Torra and President of the HSCSP-IR Board of Trustees Enric Argelagués, among other authorities. Members of the CataloniaBio & HealthTech Board of Directors were also present.

4 companies and 11 industry deals

IR Sant Pau is one of the most active Catalan centres in producing translational research and integrating new discoveries into healthcare in various therapeutic areas: cardiovascular, genetic, metabolic and inflammatory diseases; haematology and oncology; neurology and mental disorders; uronephrology and experimental surgery; molecular, genomic and cell medicine; and epidemiology and public health.

Additionally, the Innovation and Transfer Unit is currently managing 12 families of patents and, in the past two years, has created 4 technology-based companies and reached 11 technology transfer agreements with industry.

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Photo: Exterior of the new 5-storey building on Carrer Sant Quintí, near the Art Nouveau site  - © IR Sant Pau


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