The University of Barcelona Production and validation centre of advanced therapies (Creatio), a member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, is coordinating the Advanced Stem Cell Technologies for Neurology (ASCTN-Training) programme that has been launched with €3.8 million in funding from the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme.
ASCTN-Training brings together eleven public and private institutions, providing training in interdisciplinary research and high-level transversal skills for fourteen young researchers to develop cell therapies applied to neuronal disorders.
It should be noted that another Catalan entity, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), is also participating.
Additionally, this week Creatio has been accredited as a TECNIO centre by ACCIÓ (Government of Catalonia), a seal granted to those developing the most innovative technology and those who are participating in transferring technology and knowledge to the business sphere.
Photo: Kick off of ASCTN-Training on 3 October at the University of Barcelona - © UB