CataloniaBio & HealthTech has launched a new Innovation Workgroup (WG) to share new business models and synergies that are coming up with solutions in health, facilitate public-private partnerships, discover unmet needs of patients and hospital care, and align the innovation going on in technology and biopharmaceutical companies with hospitals.
In order to give companies and hospitals the opportunity to express their concerns, propose activities and participate in executing them, a presentation will be held on 7 February at the Barcelona Science Park.
“The WG will be stronger with a participative format, so the launch has been designed to use teamwork,” highlighted the promoting team formed by Àngel Alonso (Vecmedical), Isabel Amat (Reig Jofre), Ferran Rodríguez (Hospital Clínic) and Eduard Valentí (Esteve), both of which are board members, with support from Melqui Calzado (secretary general).
CataloniaBio & HealthTech also has a Regulatory Affairs Workgroup, which has seen great turnout from members.