Butler Scientifics, through its AutoDiscovery software, is collaborating on the study of immune profiles in COVID-19 patients and their impact on severity and treatment, recently published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.
With the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, the IdiPAZ Innate Immune Response group, led by Dr. Eduardo López-Collazo, decided to start a project focusing on the immune system of COVID-19 patients. In collaboration with the emergency service of Hospital La Paz (Madrid, Spain), they began to collect samples from patients as soon as they arrived at the emergency admission.
The main objective of the work was to recognize early markers of the disease that are associated with the final evolution of the patient. On the other hand, this work aimed to describe the immune changes that occurred in COVID-19 patients with one of the most used immunomodulators in this pathology, corticosteroids.
"AutoDiscovery allowed us to analyze a large amount of data in a fast and intuitive way. The fact of doing it in this completely unbiased way allowed us to recognize those most significant immune biomarkers with high potential to serve as predictors of evolution", Dr. López-Collazo says.
Butler Scientifics is a 10-year-old Catalan start-up company specialized in automated and intelligent exploration of health data and biomedical research, creator of the AutoDiscovery software and provider of complementary data science services.
Photo: The IdiPAZ Innate Immune Response research group