Grifols carries out a study based on artificial intelligence on autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, with the collaboration of Anaxomics


The study Segú-Vergés et al, 2022 has recently published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology. Grifols lead the project and has had the collaboration of Anaxomics Biotech, both CataloniaBio & HealthTech members.

The collaboration of Anaxomics consisted in the application of systems biology and artificial intelligence techniques to evaluate the mechanisms of response to treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins by evaluating the pathophysiological pathways of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases that show different clinical responses to this treatment.

The TPMS technology (Therapeutic Performance Mapping System) from Anaxomics, a member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has been used to simulate and model a total of 26 inflammatory diseases in order to identify the characteristics shared by the diseases that can benefit most from immunoglobulines treatment and to work out hypotheses about the mechanisms that explain why.

The application of this type of technology allows to go a step further and better understand how the mechanisms of action of treatments that present certain behaviours that are not fully understood work and thus be able to make better use of current therapies.


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