About twenty professionals from companies and member entities of CATALONIA.HEALTH met this past September 18th, at the Hub Cambra Digital in Barcelona, for the first appointment on the agenda of activities after the summer. It was the fourth edition of this year of the CEO Council sessions with Josep Maria Argimon as a special guest.  

A consortium made up of a group of private and public companies work together to develop the 4D-Bioskin project. Within this group of companies are Bioremthe pharmaceutical company Reig JofreUniversity of Barcelona and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)all members of CATALONIA.HEALTH.

The company specialized in visual and cognitive improvement WIVI Visionmember of CATALONIA.HEALTHhas won the 4th prize in the welfare sector in the first edition of the Impact Social Cup (ISC). It is a competition made up of 8 sectors of large economic activities where entrepreneurs, companies and people highlight their positive impact on society. 

The technology centre Eurecat, a member of CATALONIA.HEALTH, together with the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, have designed a social desktop robot, called Robot Jana, to help palliative pediatric patients at home, as it allows remote monitoring of the patient's symptoms and facilitates communication between professionals and the family.

The pharmaceutical company Reig Jofrea member of CATALONIA.HEALTH, continues its international growth strategy with the opening of a new subsidiary in the Czech Republic, where it already operates through distribution agreements. The new subsidiary will have a sales team specialized in the pharmaceutical market and with the collaboration of a local partner (LERAM Pharma).

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