Medichem expands production in Spain and opens market in Brazil

Carla Archs,

Medichem,, partners of CataloniaBio & HealthTech and supplier to the pharmaceutical industry, is expanding its production in Spain and opening new markets in Brazil. With an investment of 16.5 million euros, the company will establish its fourth production floor in the Technology Park of Asturias. It has also obtained certification from the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) to sell active ingredients and medicines on the market. 

In addition to the new floor in Asturias, where it plans to start operations in 2024, Medichem already has facilities in Malta and Girona. They hope to strengthen their presence and contribution to the pharmaceutical industry both in Spain and in the Brazilian market, satisfying the growing demand for medicines in the country. 

The catalan multinational, a benchmark in the field of generics and antiseptics, is a family business with more than 50 years of experience and is headed by Elisabeth Stampa. It has a portfolio of around 45 active ingredients and 20 medicines and is the world leader in chlorhexidine products. According to the latest consolidated data of Medicehm Corporation filed with the Commercial Registry, the company had a turnover of 108.6 million euros in 2021. 


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