Marc Güell wins the Spanish National Research Award for Young People 2022


Dr Marc Güell received the Ángela Ruiz Robles 2022 National Research Award for Young People, in the field of technology transfer, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.

He was recognised for his contributions in harnessing synthetic biology to generate new basic principles of molecular biology for the design of biological systems. The jury also highlighted the originality, robustness, and potential of his contributions to technology and knowledge transfer, both to society and to the business world.

In 2020, Güell founded the company Integra Therapeutics, a CataloniaBio& HealthTech member, together with Dr Avencia Sánchez-Mejías, to transfer the promising FiCAT gene-writing technology. He is a principal investigator at the TranslationalSynthetic Biology Lab and tenure-track professor at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). 

“This award fills me with extra energy and excitement to push synthetic biology forward and create transformative new biomolecular principles and technologies for the benefit of science and society,” said Dr Marc Güell after hearing the news. Minister Diana Morant underlined the first creation of this award category to distinguish the work of young researchers in Spain, under the age of 40, who have made significant achievements in the early stages of their careers.

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Photo: Marc Güell


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