Study shows that selection of breast cancer patients for adjuvant bisphosphonate therapy based on Inbiomotion’s MAFTEST® reduces the risk of death in comparison with current clinical guidance


Inbiomotion SL, a company developing a unique single-gene-based biomarker for the personalized adjuvant treatment of early-stage (stage I-III) breast cancer patients, announces the results of comparing the clinical efficacy of implementing the proprietary MAFTEST® for selection of patients for adjuvant bisphosphonates therapy with current clinical guidance. Inbiomotion is participated by Ysios Capital, both CataloniaBio & HealthTech members.

The data show that stratification of early breast cancer patients according to MAF status reduced the risk of death and  relapse in MAF negative patients by 26% and 23% respectively, compared to a 12% and 15% reduction in the risk of death or relapse seen with stratification by menopausal status recommended by current ESMO and ASCO Clinical Guidelines. The data also indicate that adjuvant treatment with bisphosphonates should be avoided in MAF positive patients as the risk of death and relapse is increased 16% and 15% respectively in these patients.

“This study confirms our previous findings and the clinical utility of MAFTEST® as a unique tool for precision medicine in early breast cancer. Every year approximately 355,000 women are diagnosed with early breast cancer in Europe with a 10% risk of death at 5 years. Using MAF Test these deaths could be reduced by 26%, which would translate to 9,230 lives saved.”, said Joël Jean-Mairet, Executive Chairman of the Board of  Inbiomotion.

“We have discovered and developed a new biomarker, MAF gene amplification, that if used as selection criteria for adjuvant treatment with bisphosphonates improves the clinical outcome of breast cancer patients compared with current clinical practice”, said Prof. Roger Gomis, ICREA  Research Professor at IRB Barcelona. “MAF Test is a biomarker that is easy to implement in any clinical pathology lab and should be considered for routine characterization of breast cancer tumors”.

Recently the MAFTEST® obtained the CE-mark as an in vitro diagnostic medical device for prognostic purposes. Since clodronate and other bisphosphonates are not approved by the regulatory agencies for use in adjuvant treatment of early-stage breast cancer patients, Inbiomotion’s MAFTEST® is not authorized to be used as a companion diagnostic as described in the above-mentioned study.

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Photo: Roger Gomis and Joël Jean-Mairet


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