Laia Contigo, an App for Mental Health Care During Maternity


The start-up, promoted by a psychologist and a perinatal psychiatrist, launches an app to donate support to the mental health of gifts during maternity leave. It is a company born from Qualud, a CataloniaBio & HealthTech member.

The mental health of the society has become one of the first concerns in public health management and the incidence of mental disorders raised in recent years. The incidence in Spain is double in women than in men and the perinatal stage is a period of high psychic vulnerability for women. In this context, the app Laia Contigo focuses on helping women during all maternity phases, from preconception to pregnancy and postpartum.

Laia Health S.L. It is a company founded in 2021 in Terrassa, from Qualud, and promoted by the Ideaup Challenge accelerator from ESADE.


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