Idneo Medtech has advised 10 companies in two years in the development of medical products


ValueSprint TM has been a service focused on innovative companies or start-ups in the healthcare sector for more than two years at Idneo Medtech. This service provides a multidisciplinary team in engineering, design, regulatory aspects, manufacturing and even project management, with the aim of providing a series of initial answers to the typical questions that a company may have when trying to bring an ISO13485 certified medical product to the market. This ranges from the look & feel of the device, the cost and time of development, technical design, main risks of the project, etc. to the unit price of manufacture.

Idneo Medtech, a member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, has been helping all types of companies since 2011 to design, develop, manufacture and/or market innovative medical products in the areas of diagnosis and patient monitoring thanks to its differential capabilities in the digital environment.

The results offered by this service make it possible to have a document in a record time of one and a half months that complements the business plan and helps to assess the risks and challenges of developing and manufacturing a product at a very early stage of the project.

"Since its launch, the service has been very well received in the sector, most of the companies that have considered this service have finally contracted it and, of these, 50% have decided to continue working with Idneo Medtech in the development phases of the product. The rest of the companies have used the results of the service to seek funding or for other purposes", explains Rosa Sitjà, Business Development Manager at Idneo Medtech.


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