FreeOx acquires the patent for the drug Ox-01 in the US for ischaemic stroke


FreeOx Biotech, a CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has been granted a patent for its most advanced drug, Ox-01, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The patent protects the use of Ox-01 until 2038 for patients with ischaemic stroke treated with mechanical thrombectomy.

“This grant is wonderful news for the company as it will allow us to strengthen our drug’s protection in a market representing approximately 50% worldwide in terms of returns and move forward with our regulatory plan with close communication with EMA” said Carlos Lurigados, co-founder and CEO of FreeOx.

Ox-01 is currently in clinical phase III

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Photo: Carlos Lurigados and Dr Ángel Chamorro, recognised expert in stroke, co-founders of FreeOx  - © FreeOx Biotech


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