VHIR implements a new innovation model to maximize the impact of health research


The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), a member of CATALONIA.HEALTH, has implemented a new innovation model to  reshape how biomedical research impacts society. This approach enables the identification and support of high-potential projects, facilitating  knowledge transfer and maximizing the chances of success in commercialization  and clinical application. These projects include newly developed drugs, diagnostic tools, medical devices, and digital health solutions.

The new innovation model created by VHIR, based on other strategies, offers a structured process that prioritizes and  accelerates the maturation of the most promising projects. Rafael Navajo, Director of Innovation and Business Development at VHIR, explains: “This is a more agile and efficient approach, based on the lean process, which provides each researcher and each project with the necessary support to overcome barriers, mature successfully, and maximize their impact. This model is designed to become a reference in innovation management, knowledge transfer, and the creation of new opportunities”.

The methodology of the new innovation model is based on checkpoints that enable a continuous and structured  evaluation of projects and ensure that objective maturity criteria are met before moving forward in the process. Moreover, it is based on specific and measurable objectives, such as asset protection, business analysis, regulatory requirements, among others.

With the aim of continuing to promote innovation in health sciences and in coincidence with the recent inauguration of the new research building, VHIR is working on the creation of an  Innovation Hub. It will be a pioneering space dedicated to promoting the  creation of public-private partnerships and new projects through the creation of companies and the attraction of new investors and biotech or pharmaceutical companies that establish collaborations with our research groups.

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