The President of the Generalitat has inaugurated the Avinent Hub, the new space for innovation and production of the Avinent group


The President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Pere Aragonès, has inaugurated the Avinent Hub, the new  innovation and production center of the Avinent group, a leading company in the manufacture of products with the highest demand for the medical sector. The new building, of 8,000 m2 and which has involved an investment of € 10 million, reflects the ambition, modernity, and technological spirit of the Catalan firm, based in Santpedor. This expansion aims to ensure the future capacity for business growth and go from € 35 million in turnover in the last year to € 50 million in 2025.

The President of the Generalitat visited the different spaces of the new building accompanied by the Government Delegate for Central Catalonia, Rosa Vestit, and the management team of the Avinent group. The event was attended by Joan Puig de Dou and Isabel Amat, President and Third Vice President of CataloniaBio & HealthTech.

The general manager of Avinent Group, Albert Giralt, wanted to thank all the people who have made it possible explicitly all the efforts dedicated to making this milestone a reality where “today we inaugurate a space that for many years we have had in our thoughts.”

Giralt added that with the inauguration of this new space "we are not at the end of any path, on  the contrary, we are embarking on a new stage that must allow the corporation  to go further and meet new future growth and expansion challenges". The general manager of Avinent remarked that this investment is “the clearest declaration of commitment to the territory, to the people, to future growth. This is the DNA of the Avinent group.”

Finally, the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Pere Aragonès, closed the round of parliaments, at which point he emphasized that “today’s visit to Avinent has been an impactful visit to see excellence and rigor of the scientific and innovation work carried out there.” He emphasized that the industrial future of Catalonia needs projects such as Avinent because “it mixes an industrial  tradition and a clear commitment to innovation, which is demonstrated by the  new business units that the corporation has been creating, in more of the  internationalization process”. Aragonès added that "Avinent is also a clear example of what the industrial future of Catalonia should be, which involves the reindustrialization that must be digital and green".


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