Catalonia stands out for having leading innovative companies in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, health, advanced manufacturing and construction and territory sectors


These are data from the study "Strategic value chains in Catalan industry: analysis of dependencies and technological specialisation", by the Director of Economic Analysis of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Carme Poveda. It is the 20th in the Papers collection of the Observatori de l'Indústria del Departament d'Empresa i Treball de la Generalitat.

The objective of the study is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the value chains of Catalan industry. The second main objective of the study is to identify current (and possible future) technological dependencies based on an analysis of the technological specialisation of Catalan industry. In this sense, the results show that Catalonia has a solid technological leadership, according to patent data, in the fields of health, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, organic chemistry and food chemistry. However, a threat to these good figures has also been identified due to the strength of competition at European and international level.

At the presentation of the study, which was attended by CataloniaBio & HealthTech representing member companies, the Director General of Industry, Natàlia Mas Guix, stressed that this report "has shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the value chains themselves" and encouraged to continue addressing this issue of industrial and technological sovereignty, "as it is clear that there is a long way to go, and this must be one of the backbone vectors of the projects that we all promote, both from the public and private sectors".

Mas explained that the Pacte Nacional per a la Indústria has already taken up some of the recommendations of this study. "As a strategic sector, Catalonia needs a sectoral plan for the health industry, using the tools of the recent National Pact for Industry 2022-25, to be able to face these threats to leadership in the sector", says Javier Selva, CEO of CataloniaBio & HealthTech.

More information

Read Papers de l'Observatori de la Indústria (núm. 20)


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