Made of Genes, selected to participate in the Dubai Future Accelerators

The start-up Made of Genes, linked to ESADE Business School and associated with CataloniaBio, has been the first company in Spain selected, from more than 1000 worldwide, to join the 2nd edition of the Dubai Future Accelerators program, an initiative of the Dubai Future Foundation. For Oscar Flores, CEO of Made of Genes, "this is an important recognition and convert Middle East in a crucial region for the internationalization of the company".

The Dubai Future Accelerators program partners with ground-breaking companies from around the world and gives them the opportunity to find and test new solutions to real-life challenges using the city of Dubai as a living test bed. Three members of the company joins the regional carrier Etisalat Digital to design a platform for disease management through prevention and precision medicine applying its unique patient-centric model of genomic data ownership.

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Photo: Oscar Flores, CEO of Made of Genes, with two members of its team. © Made of Genes


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