CataloniaBio & HealthTech has chosen its first president and board of directors today, after the merger of the CataloniaBio association of companies and the HealthTech Cluster last December, at an extraordinary members’ assembly.
The candidacy led by Jaume Amat, founder and CEO of Specipig, took 65% of the votes. The other members of the board led by Amat will be Lluís Chico, managing partner at NEOS Surgery (first vice-president); Maribel Bergés, co-founder and CFO of Spherium Biomed (second vice-president), and Àngel Alonso, CEO of Vecmedical (third vice-president). The voting members include Isabel Amat (Reig Jofre), Albert Giralt (Avinent), Alfons Nonell-Canals (Mind the Byte), Montserrat Vendrell (Alta Life Sciences) and Lídia Cánovas (Asphalion).
The candidacy led by Albert Gallart, CEO of Grupo Pulso, got 34% of the votes (1% were blank votes).
“The new association reflects the transversality of biopharma, medical technology and digital health to bring valuable solutions to healthcare. We’re moving into a new era that we believe will be very important in terms of successfully integrating the two associations and laying the foundations and setting the focal points for the coming years. We’re taking innovation as the driving force, entrepreneurship as our attitude and the network as our framework,” explained Jaume Amat.
“We are very excited about this challenge and we’re facing it with responsibility and preserving the value of the great work done by the two previous boards,” he added.
Turnout at the assembly was very high, with nearly 70% of all members participating.
Photo: From left to right, Àngel Alonso (Vecmedical), Lluís Chico (NEOS Surgery), Jaume Amat (Specipig) and Maribel Bergés (Spherium).