Ferrer takes over presidency of Asebio

The Spanish Bioindustry Association (Asebio) has voted in its new board of directors this week. A total of 25 candidates stood in the election. 

Ferrer, represented by Jordi Martí, will hold the presidency of the board for the first time, although it is the second time in the position for Martí himself (previously representing Celgene). The vice-presidents are Carlos Buesa, CEO of Oryzon Genomics; Carmen Eibe, director of Project Coordination at PharmaMar; and Daniel Ramón, CEO of Biopolis.

The other new members taking up their places on this board are representatives from 3P Biopharmaceuticals, Ability Pharma, Atrys Health, Ayming, Bayer, CRB Inverbio, Nanoimmunotech, NIMGenetics, Merck, AbbVie and Vivia Biotech. The members who are continuing in their position, as their term is not yet over, are those from AB Biotics, Esteve, Grifols, Ingenasa and MSD.

More information is available on the Asebio website.



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