Dr Josep Esteve, former president of the pharmaceutical Esteve, has passed away


Dr Josep Esteve Soler, former president of Esteve Group and member of the sixth generation of a family of pharmacists, has passed away in Barcelona at the age of 89.

Esteve joined the company very young, in 1953. With a Doctorate in Pharmacy and a Postgraduate Degree in Business Administration and Management from Iese, he took over the management of the company in 1979 and held the presidency, along with his siblings Joan and Montserrat, after the death of his father, Antoni Esteve i Subirana (the founder of Esteve). 

Dr Josep Esteve was the architect of the company's growth strategy based on three pillars: getting new products to market in Spain, exploring international markets and defending the interests of the sector. 

Statement made by Esteve


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