Nutrition and health intercluster continues to see good turnout


CataloniaBio & HealthTech, the Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia and the Food’n Nutrition Cluster held the second Intercluster workshop Nutrition and health: discovering new challenges, on 5 April at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), with roughly forty Catalan companies and organisations

The session began with two inspirational conferences by Miquel Ràmia of Made of Genes and Mariona Serra and Sara Ramió of GoodGut, who highlighted that there is a lot to do in both the field of microbiota and genomics applied to nutrition. “The ideal treatment should include reinforcing intestinal microbiota and defining the bacterial signature for each disease,” explained Mariona Serra, CEO of GoodGut. About pharmacogenomics and nutrigenomics, Ràmia, a scientific analyst at Made of Genes, remarked that “each person’s unique genetics requires a specific treatment.”

Afterwards, the companies and organisations from the three clusters worked in groups to find solutions to the seven challenges identified last January through dialogue and knowledge transfer.

The groups will meet again at the final workshop, which will take place on 18 June in Barcelona, in order to firm up the solutions proposed and come up with innovative collaborative projects that will help Catalonia advance in this key field of health: nutrition.

This intercluster is made possible with collaboration from ACCIÓ.

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