The Catalan government celebrated the 25th anniversary of cluster policies in Catalonia on 8 June. The event, held at the Palau de la Generalitat, was led by President Carles Puigdemont and Catalan Minister for Economy and Knowledge Jordi Baiget. Before an audience of representatives from businesses, technology centres, universities and associations, Puigdemont highlighted, "Catalonia is a global benchmark in clusters" according to Harvard Business School and the World Bank and "addressing this through a public-private partnership is the right choice, thus boosting the country’s competitiveness.” ACCIÓ is the body in charge of cluster coordination.
Specipig and Bioemprèn CEO Jaume Amat attended the event representing the CataloniaBio board. CataloniaBio is the association of companies in the health and life sciences arena in Catalonia and, once the merger with the HealthTech Cluster is complete, will represent more than 200 organisations.
More information is available on the Government of Catalonia website