Amgen, a CataloniaBio member company, has brought Fina Lladós on as General Manager for the biotechnology multinational in Spain and Portugal. Lladó, who joined Amgen in 1999, has taken over for Roman Stämpfli, who is now leading the company’s subsidiary in Germany.
The challenges facing this new general manager include consolidating the latest innovative drugs launched in Spain (Repatha® to treat high cholesterol and Kyprolis® for patients with multiple myeloma) and beginning to market its first biosimilar in 2018.
Fina Lladós was previously director of the Oncohaematology Unit and has been on the subsidiary’s board of directors since 2009, when she joined as director of the Nephrology Unit. Over her nearly two decades at Amgen, she has gained deep knowledge of both the pharmaceutical business in general and the subsidiary specifically.
Amgen Iberia is the company’s fifth largest market in the world.
More information is available in the article in La Vanguardia.
Photo: Fina Lladós - ©Planta Doce