Avencia Sánchez-Mejías receives Women and Leadership Award


Dr Avencia Sánchez-Mejías, co-founder and CEO of Integra Therapeutics, won the first edition of the Women and Leadership Award promoted by Deusto Business School, Cinco Días and Banco  Santander to boost  and raise awareness of the talent of female executives at companies and in entrepreneurship. The ceremony was held on 2 June at the business school’s Madrid (Spain) headquarters.

Sánchez-Mejías was chosen from among more than 80 candidates. “I’m accepting this award with a great sense of responsibility and I hope to be a role model for women, and men too, from the coming generations. It is also a great opportunity to continue my training in executive skills,” explained Dr Avencia Sánchez-Mejías when she received the award.

The panel of judges awarded second prize to Natalia Rodríguez, CEO of Saturno Labs, and a special mention to Gloria Gubianas, co-founder of Hemper Handmade; Pilar Mañas, major in the Spanish Air Force; and Marina Jiménez, a project engineer in the Water Technology and Engineering Department at Aqualia. Cristina Burzako, CEO of Movistar, was also recognised for her distinguished career.

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