Asphalion announced the release of its 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan, demonstrating its CSR commitment to meet this year’s sustainability goals built on three pillars: health and well-being, gender equality and responsible production and consumption. The plan highlights the priority areas where Asphalion will set its focus. These are aligned with the 17 UN 2030 sustainable development goals.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are integrated—they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. The creativity, know-how, technology, and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.
“Asphalion’s 2022 CSR plan outlines the priorities we have set up for this year to continue to make a strong commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive world," said Núria Romero, Managing Director. “As such, our engagement starts with our employees, as well as with positive contributions to society by aligning our CSR in accordance with the UN 2030 SDGs and to the latest events happening in the world and leveraging our expertise in driving forward health and well-being, equality and responsible production and consumption.”
ASPHALION is an international Scientific and Regulatory Affairs consultancy with offices spread over Europe. Founded in 2000, ASPHALION´s multi-cultural team has grown consistently and ASPHALION’s experts have delivered solutions to over 1,000+ Pharmaceutical, Biotechnological and Medical Technology companies from more than 50+ countries in over 5,000+ projects.