Asphalion opens regulatory affairs office in United Kingdom


Asphalion, a science and regulatory affairs consultancy and CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has inaugurated new offices at Wells House 80 Upper Street in London to bolster the services it offers companies with current or future operations in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is one of the most important healthcare and life sciences markets in Europe. Setting up Asphalion UK Ltd. will make our interactions with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency easier and help our clients tackle the challenges on the horizon,” explains Núria Romero, managing director of the consultancy firm.

Asphalion’s central headquarters are in Barcelona and it has additional offices in Madrid, Amsterdam and Munich. Currently, the company’s Regulatory Affairs director, Lídia Cànovas, is a CataloniaBioHT board member and leader of the Regulatory Affairs Workgroup.

Photo: Núria Romero and Lídia Cànovas in Barcelona - © Asphalion

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