Aortyx opens €1.6-million round to fund patch for healing aortic dissections


Aortyx, a spin-off of Institut Químic de Sarrià and Hospital Clinic Barcelona, is launching a crowdequity round to raise €1.6 million through the Capital Cell platform. The funds will go towards clinical trials on an innovative patch to treat aortic dissections. Both Aortyx and Capital Cell are CataloniaBio & HealthTech members.

The patch Aortyx has designed is bioresorbable and sticks to the damaged artery to promote healing, tissue regeneration and full recovery from the injury.

Aortic dissection occurs in 1 out of 10,000 patients each year and the mortality rate can be up to 50%, depending on the complexity of the damage. 

Aortyx won the 2020 Àlex Casta Awards and was a finalist in the EIT Health Catapult European competition.

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Photo: Jordi Martorell, co-founder and CEO of Aortyx. 

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