Study on investment in the life sciences industry in Catalonia

The Study on investment in the Life Sciences and Healthcare industry in Catalonia has been published every year since 2017 in order to compile key indicators and provide a business investment analysis of the sector.

The study is an initiative of CataloniaBio & HealthTech and has the collaboration of EY, an international benchmark consultancy firm that provides it with methodology, rigour and reliability. For several years, the study was included in the framework of the BioRegion of Catalonia Report, promoted by Biocat.

Thanks to the efforts of these years, the study has become a reference document on investment in the ecosystem, enhancing its value and making it more attractive to investors, companies and international talent.

The data used to prepare the study were obtained through direct surveys of CataloniaBio & HealthTech member companies and institutions, as well as through EY's international databases. In the preparation of the 2022 report, the investors' perspective has been incorporated, which provides a new and complementary view of the sector. The data from the study allows us to analyse the comparison between the results of investment in startups in Catalonia, the trends observed at international level and the vision of the companies that have participated in the annual survey.

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