#BBQ2022 of CataloniaBio & HealthTech

El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)

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The CataloniaBio & HealthTech summer barbecue is back! It's the best place to meet up with our members, partners and friends, and to make new contacts in the Catalan biomedicine ecosystem.

We look forward to seeing you on 14 July, from 7.30 pm, at the Specipic facilities in El Prat de Llobregat. After 2 years without BBQ, due to the pandemic, the summer meeting of the sector returns with some new features, while keeping the the essence with the chef Luis Ruiz-Ávila.

Thanks to the support as Silver Sponsors to Asabys, Caixa Capital Risc, Capital Cell, GENESIS Biomed, Inveready, Invivo Ventures and  Ysios Capital, and special thanks for the collaboration of the team at Specipig.


  • CataloniaBioHT members: 40 € (VAT not included)
  • Non-member: 60 € (VAT not included)

The system only allows you to buy one ticket per person. If you have any question, send us an email to imma.esposito@cataloniabioht.org.

You will receive the invoice by email after the BBQ.

Here you can check the cancellation policy.

Registration until 11 July.

Capacity: 350 spots

Servei de bus:

This year CataloniaBio & HealthTech is offering a collective transport service for BBQ attendees from Barcelona to the Specipig facilities. The transport has no extra cost and will be limited to the availability of seats.


  • 19h: plaça de Francesc Macià (Barcelona) - Specipig
  • 23.30h: Specipig - plaça de Francesc Macià (Barcelona)


You can reserve your seat, at no extra cost, when you register for the event.
The bus service can be booked until 8 July. 

Related information:

Follow us on Twitter with the hashtag #BBQ2022

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Date and time

Add to calendar 2022-07-1419:30 2022-07-1419:30 Europe/Madrid #BBQ2022 of CataloniaBio & HealthTech Barcelona


El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) , Autovia de Castelldefels, C-31



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