On this page you’ll find the latest news about CataloniaBio & HealthTech and the member companies and knowledge stakeholders in the field of health and life sciences.
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23 May 2023
Rob Surgical, dedicated to the design and development of new robotic systems, has recently received authorisation to conduct FIH clinical trials. This new milestone brings the medical robotics technology company closer to its founding purpose: to universalise high-precision surgery and bring its benefits to hospitals, surgeons and patients worldwide.
22 May 2023
CataloniaBio & HealthTech took part in the initiative as a participant in the programme's discussion areas, specifically in the session focused on regulatory issues, market access, funding, and talent. CataloniaBio & HealthTech member companies and institutions also participated, including Grifols, SpliceBio, invivo capital, the Blood and Tissue Bank, Leitat, IBEC, Vall d'Hebron and Creatio (UB).
15 May 2023
Oniria Therapeutics ha tancat una ronda d'inversió llavor per un total d'1,28 milions d'euros, que permetrà avançar en el desenvolupament d'ONR-001, un fàrmac first-in-class per eliminar les cèl·lules tumorals persistents alstractaments convencionals. Les cèl·lules persistents o latents són les responsables del 90% de les morts per càncer ja que originen nous tumors que causen recaigudes i metàstasi.
15 May 2023
The VISOR EEG project, led by mjn-neuro, is developing an out-of-hospital and portable system for prolonged EEG recordings in patients with epilepsy and other neurological disorders. The main objective is the design and development of a system consisting of three devices capable of recording a patient's brain activity in an easy and quick way to install and configure.
15 May 2023
D-Sight, a spin-off of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), and CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has received an investment of one million euros from the venture capital fund Clave Capital to develop new innovative therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and other neurodegenerative diseases of the retina, such as glaucoma. This operation is the fund’s first investment in Catalonia.
11 May 2023
L’Hospital Parc Taulí ha creat una nova unitat al servei d’Urgències: la Unitat Assistencial de Resolució Avançada (ARA), constituïda per infermeres i que compta amb el suport d’un software d’intel·ligència artificial, desenvolupat per Mediktor. Amb aquesta nova eina, l’equip d’infermeria orienta i tracta pacients amb patologies de baixa complexitat i elevada incidència; disminuint, significativament, els temps d’espera sense perdre la qualitat i seguretat de l’assistència sanitària.
8 May 2023
SocialDiabetes and Novo Nordisk are bringing together knowledge and digital health solutions to help people with diabetes and the healthcare professionals who treat them to optimise glucose control. And there is no doubt that diabetes is one of the diseases that requires those who suffer from it to be more involved and make more decisions daily to control their diabetes.
8 May 2023
IBEC’s Core Facilities and nine of its research groups have undergone the “green laboratory” certification process granted by the My Green Lab organization, all awarded with the highest levels of certification.
8 May 2023
trifermed, empresa amb seu a Barcelona especialitzada en estratègia corporativa i gestió de desenvolupament de negoci per a innovadors en salut, ha anunciat el seu trasllat al Pier07 de Tech Barcelona. Després de més de vint anys establerts a Sant Cugat del Vallès, el membre de CataloniaBio & HealthTech trasllada la seva seu a Pier07, el nou espai de salut i ciències de la vida de Tech Barcelona.
3 May 2023
It has been led by Columbus Venture Partners, with participation of European Innovation Council (EIC), Hadean Ventures, Sound Bioventures, and existing investors Invivo Capital, AdBio Partners, and CDTI. Invivo Capital and AdBio Partners are both members of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, and the first ones participated in the creation of the company and were the first investors. Moreover, they have now played a leading role in attracting Series B investors.
27 April 2023
Investment in Catalonia has a countercyclical behaviour in the startup ecosystem. While investments in Europe and the United States have registered significant decreases during 2022 in the amount of capital raised in the biotech and medtech sectors, the Catalan ecosystem continues to rise and has increased by 87% compared to the previous year, reaching a total of €445 million.
26 April 2023
Perdigó, empresa de disseny i enginyeria de productes, equips i tecnologies mèdiques, i membre de CataloniaBio & Healthtech, ha presentat recentment Xaloc. Es tracta del disseny preliminar d’un inhalador de pols seca (IPS) de doble tira, que està disponible per al desenvolupament de productes combinats, tant genèrics com innovadors.
25 April 2023
La companyia d’inversió personalitzada en biotecnologia i salut, membre de CataloniaBio & HealthTech, ha rebut l’autorització de la CNMV per operar sota la llei europea ECSP 2020/1503. Aquesta autorització permetrà a Capital Cell començar a operar de manera immediata a França, Alemanya, Itàlia, Portugal, Bèlgica i Dinamarca, a més d’obrir la possibilitat d’entrar a la resta de mercats de la Unió Europea amb més facilitat.
24 April 2023
More than thirty CEOs from CataloniaBio & HealthTech met at the HUB cambraDigital (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce) on 19 April to discuss the situation of health as an economic sector. Following on from the reflections raised at the first CEO Council of the year, at the beginning of February with Antón Costas as guest speaker, in which a vision of health was raised not only from a social point of view but also as an element in the growth and prosperity of a society, proposing that health should begin to be seen in economics as an accounting element and not just as a cost.
18 April 2023
Contera Pharma is a Danish biotech company developing innovativesmall-molecule and RNA-based therapeutics to address neurological disorders.Their unique R&D model integrates their team of experienced neurosciencedrug hunters with cutting-edge technology, like Abzu’s proprietary discovery engine, theQLattice®, to develop precision medicines.
17 April 2023
ValueSprint TM has been a service focused on innovative companies or start-ups in the healthcare sector for more than two years at Idneo Medtech. This service provides a multidisciplinary team in engineering, design, regulatory aspects, manufacturing and even project management, with the aim of providing a series of initial answers to the typical questions that a company may have when trying to bring an ISO13485 certified medical product to the market.
3 April 2023
The spin-off RetinaReadRisk has been created for marketing software and a mobile system based on artificial intelligence to detect diabetic retinopathy in the early stages. The founding partners are IISPV, UP2Smart (URV), Grupo TRC (Telefónica) and GENESIS Biomed, a CataloniaBio & HealthTech member. The creation of the company has been carried out within the framework of a project supported by EIT Health, an aspect that also gives it an international projection.
31 March 2023
La Nit de CataloniaBio & HealthTech is the annual event of reference for the biomedicine and health sector in Catalonia, an institutional dinner-networking event that offers a unique opportunity to interact and talk with the main representatives of the sector.
29 March 2023
CataloniaBio & HealthTech has presented the Bioèxit 2023 Award to SpliceBio and Avinent Implant System for the milestones achieved during 2022 in the field of health and life sciences in Catalonia. The award ceremony was held today as part of the CataloniaBio & HealthTech Gala at CaixaForum Barcelona, with more than 320 attendees, including authorities from international, state and Catalan public administrations, and members of the association among entrepreneurs, executives and investors in the sector.
21 March 2023
BHV Partners, the first venture builder specialised in healthcare in Southern Europe, CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, has launched the start-up Conus Airway, which will focus on developing and marketing innovative medical devices that improve anaesthesia and surgery of the respiratory tract.