Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to invest €3.38 billion in R&D between 2021 and 2023


The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has presented its part of the European Union's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for a total of €3.38 billion distributed between 2021 and 2023.

These resources represent a 60% increase in the Ministry's budget compared to 2020 and are structured in nine investment blocks:

  • Complementary plans with the Spanish Autonomous Communities (€282 million)
  • Strengthening the capacities, infrastructures and equipment of SECTI operators (€445 million)
  • New public-private R&D projects, concept tests and grants for international competitive calls; cutting-edge R&D oriented towards societal challenges, and pre-commercial public procurement (€1,167 billion)
  • New scientific careers (€294 million)
  • Knowledge transfer (€402 million)
  • Healthcare (€490,5 million)
  • Environment, climate change and energy (€99 million)
  • R&D in sustainable automation (€40 million)
  • Aerospace (€160 million)

 The funds will be managed mainly through the State Research Agency (37%), the CDTI (31%) and the Carlos III Health Institute (11%).

The Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, has emphasised the importance of consolidating the strategic weight of R&D in Spain so as to reach an investment of 3% of Spanish GDP by 2030.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health has introduced a set of initiatives and investments to strengthen and expand the National Healthcare System's capacities.

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Photo: Call press conference with the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, and Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, on 11 May in Madrid.


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