REIG JOFRE, member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, hosted a visit at its state-of-the-art plant to produce hospital-use injectable drugs, from the Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu Boher, accompanied by Jordi García Brustenga, Director General of Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium Enterprises; and the mayor of Sant Joan Despí, Belén García.
The investments in the company's industrial plants, as well as the recent investment of approximately 6 million euros in the biotechnology company Leanbio, also member of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, have been rated as very good within the Profarma Plan. The investment in Leanbio will allow offering integrated services from development to the commercialization of recombinant proteins, antibodies, and advanced therapies for multinationals and startups in Spain and Europe.
The importance of preserving incremental innovation was discussed, ensuring that advances in drugs are reflected in fair prices. It is crucial that the cost of these improvements translates into the final drug price in the market. As an example, the collaboration of REIG JOFRE with biotechnological startups, research groups, and university centers was highlighted.
The Minister emphasized the strategic importance of the pharmaceutical industry and the relevance of having a technologically advanced plant in the country, which contributes to European strategic autonomy for vaccine production capacity reserves in the event of a pandemic, industrializes innovation, facilitates access to health solutions for patients, and stimulates the creation of wealth and skilled jobs.
The importance of Spain's production capacity for critical drugs and the complexity faced by the pharmaceutical industry to keep these essential and strategic drugs on the market due to the constant increase in manufacturing costs and the impact of inflation was emphasized. Of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) designated as critical by the European Commission, REIG JOFRE manufactures a significant portion representing 46% of the volume of units produced at the Toledo and Barcelona plants.